Fiction has been in the DNA of Voir le Jour since its creation. We first tried the short form for the web, and then produced several short films. In addition to the short, which is a format to which we are attached and a great testing ground, we now also have series and feature films in development.
The production has an editorial line focused on eclecticism. We assume the choices of our projects on favorites.
First of all, a crush on an idea, a scenario, a project: whatever its style, its form, its purpose, a project must first and foremost seduce us with a singularity, a narrative form or a subject that inspires us. We are open to all forms: we like to go from an intimate film to a genre film, from a comedy to a drama, or from a large-scale film to a more modest production. It is this diversity that makes, in our opinion, the richness of cinematographic and audiovisual production.
Finally, we attach great importance to the meeting: with a scriptwriter, a director, it is essential for us that the current flows and that a common agreement is made, in mutual trust. The creation of a film is a journey, a long-term adventure, so it is essential to choose the people we take on board with us. We try to plan for the long term. This is why a film is never a one-shot for us: when we accompany a director, it is with the aim of going a long way together on several projects.
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